
Posts Tagged ‘jessica stam’

Ugh. It’s reached that unbearable point in December – the wind is howling around outside at about 50 mph, creaking my windows and whipping the last few desperately clinging leaves off the trees. All throughout today, it’s been alternating between a disgusting slushy rain and icy flakes that have yet to stick to the ground for more than an hour. All that loveliness will no doubt freeze to the ground overnight, though, as it’s going down to 6 degrees.

Yes, 6.

Don’t move to Michigan.

In other news, I fervently apologize for my utter lack of post-age on here. Somehow, I’ve managed to not have any free time… or anything to post about, really… My NaNoWriMo novel is still unfinished, which constantly preys on my mind… That and my sub-par chem and math grades + disgusting, unmotivating weather = zero posts.

My fingers are freezing. I’m inside. The weather is outside. This isn’t fair.

In other news, Pre-Fall 2010 has rolled around once again… ridiculously preemptive, you say? Well, maybe, but such is the way of the fashion world. The Copenhagen climate talks are in full swing, and yet… nothing’s managing to get done. Such is the way of political matters interfering with non-political affairs… e.g., the future of our planet. Ho hum.

In other other news, I’m halfway through The Idiot (Dostoevsky) – it’s proved to be a pretty good one, once you get past the names (and get them all straightened out… I drew a character map, haha).

Chanel Pre-Fall 2010

Chanel Pre-Fall 2010
Hanna Rundlof

Chanel Pre-Fall 2010
Freja Beha Erichsen

Chanel Pre-Fall 2010
Jessica Stam

Chanel Pre-Fall 2010
Denisa Dvorakova


Versace Pre-Fall 2010
Charlotte di Calypso

Versace Pre-Fall 2010

Versace Pre-Fall 2010

Versace Pre-Fall 2010

Ha… and here I was thinking I’d be going to bed early because I didn’t have homework. Turns out Russian lit + impromptu naptime does not = early bedtime.  😛

bon soir, mes cheries!

~ r

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Chanel Train de Nuit film, technically illegal to have unauthorised links to… seriously, does Chanel think it can regulate internet content completely? Desole, mais il n’est pas etre. Voici!

Copyright Chanel, etc etc. Audrey Tautou.

Oh, aussi: Richard Nicoll // Fall 2009

Richard Nicoll Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Jessica Stam.

…et aussi aussi, de VOGUE US sept ’91…



Sleeeepytime now.

~ r

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soliloquy of chaos

classic tweed

joseph font

Joseph Font.


Chiara Baschieri.

Spent all of today in a watermelon red sports bra and a sarong, perfect for these humid days. Tried to go to the beach, but was interrupted by unwelcome clouds and drizzle. Ate hummus. Napped. All in all, a very productive day.
So, swine flu. I can’t decide if this is one of those cases where everyone overreacts and goes crazy over nothing, or if it’s going to be Black Plague 2.0. I’m hoping for the former, thinking it’ll be somewhere between the two. What’s sure is that I’ll be washing my hands a lot, and i recommend the same for you.

On the brighter side of life… reviewing my favourite Spring ’09 collections:

Abaete // Spring 2009

Abaeté Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Abaeté Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Calvin Klein // Spring 2009

Calvin Klein Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Calvin Klein Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear


Chloé Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Chloé Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Chloé Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear
Sophie Srej.

Chloé Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear
Elsa Sylvan.


Christian Dior Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Christian Dior Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Christian Dior Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear


Fendi Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Fendi Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Fendi Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Fendi Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Fendi Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Fendi Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Fendi Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear
Sigrid Agren.

Fendi Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

That dress might seriously be my favourite from Spring.

Fendi Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear


Giambattista Valli Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear
The skirts, the seamlessness of the pieces, and the colours are what really sold me on this collection. This is probably my second to Fendi.

Giambattista Valli Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Giambattista Valli Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Giambattista Valli Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Another detail was the neckline (high & wide) and the open arm holes.


Lanvin Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lanvin Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lanvin Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lanvin Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear


Marc Jacobs Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Marc Jacobs Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Marc Jacobs Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Marc Jacobs Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Love the mini-corset.


Missoni Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Missoni Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Missoni Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear


Vying for third comes the wonderfully wrinkled PRADA… with those infamous heels…

Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear
Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear
Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Talk about bad ideas. But cute. But dangerous.

Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Love the ruched & wrinkled bras.

Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

So freakin’ skeletal.

Prada Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Mmm, VERSACE time!

Versace Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Versace Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Versace Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Versace Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Versace Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Versace Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Versace Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Versace Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

I love looking at old (relatively) collections… it’s like talking to a friend you haven’t seen in ages.  🙂

Capping it off with YSL and the now-legendary CAGE SHOE!

Yves Saint Laurent Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Yves Saint Laurent Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Yves Saint Laurent Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear


Yves Saint Laurent Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear

/* end Spring 2009 runway looks */

/* begin street style */

Slouchy things make my heart sing.









I dream of endless summer

filled with warmth and light

laughter sweeps away any grief

wipes away the last tear

life is simple, pure, and clean

youth is renewed, innocence restored

sparks lit, flames rekindled

days spent lazing in the shade

long, hot nights together, forever.

Summer is the stuff of myths

the wond’rous legends of old

when anything is possible –

no story untold, no song unsung,

no limits, no bound’ries to be seen,

everything is new. Endless summer,

the last constraints tossed away

leaves life open and ready for living.

So go, spend your days carefree,

while away your hours,

dash into a field of flowers –

I’ll see you there someday.

~ r

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Can it be? Fashion Week is over? *heart-wrenching sob*
Actually I’m ok with that. But anyway: Hermes, Galliano, & Elie Saab.

HERMES featured an aviator theme, which was a refreshing breeze (ha ha, get it? Aviator? Breeze? ….. never mind.)

Hermès Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Raquel Zimmerman. I love the runway itself!

Hermès Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Yulia Kharlaponova.

Hermès Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Natasha Poly.

Hermès Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Hannelore Knuts.

Hermès Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Heidi Mount.

Hermès Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Tatjana Patitz.

So yeah. A bit of Eskimo-esque-ness at the end there. Now for the glorious Galliano!
Very Russian, very winter-wonderland-y. Very very very gorgeous, it seems to bare the essence of Fashion itself. The amazing clothes were accented by an almost fairytale setting and a dusting of snow, perfectly complementing each other. Dark, luxe colours and fabrics mixed with a few bright looks – a red minidress (complete with lampshade skirt) and a brightish blue coat and dress stood out amongst the throngs of gentle grey coats, white sheer loose leggings, and hugely accented corsets and skirts. The shoes – oh, the shoes! – pompom’ed, platformed, tall, and cool. Ridicuously ornate and embellished headdresses and necklaces and chains were flaunted throughout, echoing traditional Russian decoration.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Maryna Linchuk.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Vlada Roslyakova.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Raquel Zimmerman.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Irina Kulikova.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Anja Rubik.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Sigrid Agren.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Toni Garrn.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Anna Jagodzinska.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Anabela Belikova.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lily Donaldson.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Olga Sherer.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Georgina Stojilkovic.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Ksenia Kahnovich.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Natasha Poly.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Jessica Stam.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Viviane Orth.

John Galliano Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Space pirate? John Galliano.

A truly gorgeous line – while it’s not really wearable per se, it really is… just…. wow-inspiring. The shoes are fun, too – perhaps one of the few really wearable pieces in the whole thing. That, and maybe… umm… the necklaces?
AHH who cares? It’s brilliant and gorgeous and we love it. So there.

Moving on to Elie Saab!

Following many of the trends, the line encompassed neutrals and sheers, bold shoulders and one-shouldered straps. It gave off an air of “cool, calm, collected, and crisp”, due to the subdued hues (pale seafoam green gowns, light grey dresses, black coats, and a few light blue numbers – all interspersed between white, white, white) and the minimalist display.

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Jessica Stam – the new Michael Jackson? (Look at the glove…)

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Anna Selezneva. More furry arms? (see D&G’s pink gorilla arms)

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Coco Rocha in a feathered (?) cape and under that stunning hair. Agh. I want to go redhead (but that would look ridiculous).

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Simple & minimalist grey dress.

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Yasminka Muratovich. Not quite so simple… very D&Gesque shoulders. I like it though; the lace is nice. It’d be better without the monster arms.

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Constance Jablonski. Sky blue, not really a colour we’ve seen much on the runways recently… good! Sky blue: not just for spring anymore!

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Georgina Stojilkovic (one of my new favourites!) in electric blue. Love this colour – the neckline & shoulders are good too. Who else had that kind… agh.

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Michela Kocianova. The jacket on this looks almost like the top half of a kimono.

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Beautiful on Belle, more electric blue!

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Tatyana Usova. Aaggghhh this is such a gorgeous shade, especially on her skin! And wearable, too. Very Grecian Goddess-y.

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Georgina again. Gorgeous crystall-y crisscross & sheer floaty gown.

Elie Saab Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Vlada Roslyakova. Striking silhouette… and I should figure out how to get my hair to do that…

Nothing too wild, but still simply (literally) gorgeous.

Look(s) du jour:

Kenzo Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Irina Kulikova. Duuuude, that’s sweet. More!

Kenzo Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Jourdan Dunn.

Kenzo Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Inna Pilipenko. Hehe, furry shoes!

With more homage to Mother Russia, Kenzo // Fall 2009.

~ r

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Taking keys from Poiret (a WWI-era French designer), Dior’s collection had an Eastern theme: brocaded everything, harem pants, ikat patterns, and Eastern looks in general. Blip form Style.com:

“Happily, there was no sense of straining for a recession solution about it. After treating Dior’s standard suitings to a light, shortened adaptation of Poiret’s hobble skirt, Galliano moved on to paisley-print day dresses and thence to the drapey harems (best in cream satin with a pale beige astrakhan gilet). That opened a neat portal through which Galliano’s romantic, silver filigree Indian-embroidered chiffon cocktail and evening dresses could pass, looking effortlessly pretty. The result: grown-up fare for regular women, editorial-grade styling to appeal to the fashion press, and, in total, a clever feat of simultaneous translation from a well-traveled designer who knows how to reach his global markets.”

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Turban and mini hobble skirt.

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Very Poiret looking.

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Yulia Kharlaponova. Very Asian-looking.

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Anja Rubik. The top has traces of Asian influence in it with that side seam.

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Tallulah Morton. Those headpieces are very Poiret-inspired. (I’ll put some pictures up after the collection)

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Emma Maclaren.

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Serafima Vakulenko.

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Siri Tollerad.

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Jessica Stam. Look at those pants!

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Viviane Orth.

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lily Donaldson.

Christian Dior Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

And just because, John Galliano.

And so you can see Poiret’s influence on Galliano without lots of Googling, here:

SorbetSilk damask and chiffron dressesTheatre des Champs Elysees evening dress

SorbetOpera coats"Fils du Ciel, Paisley Jacquard Jacket and Feuille d'Automne"

All images from here. Good read if you want to know more about Poiret.


A few sketches.

OK, moving on to LANVIN. (Yay!)
Lanvin’s show – staged on a water-covered concrete runway (to look like an average street) – combined Parisian chic with reality, basically; Albert Elbaz (the genius behind Lanvin) said he “thought with his heart of what women needed from fashion- dresses, suits, blouses coats. Life isn’t just parties and lunches” and gave it to them in the form of knotted dresses, drapes, bias-cut dresses, and simple shapes. The overall tone was ever-so-slightly 1940’s, but only just traces.

Lanvin Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lanvin Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Vlada Roslyakova.

Lanvin Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Siri Tollerad.

Lanvin Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lanvin Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lanvin Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Ali Stephens.

Lanvin Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Kim Noorda. Slightly goth, this one.

Lanvin Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lanvin Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Anna Jagodzinska.

Lanvin, as always, came through.



Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Maja Perovic.

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Daul Kim.

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear


Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear


Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Emma Xie.

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Ludmilla Dom Perignon.

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Tara Gill.

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Elcee Sharypkina.

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

This is too cool.

Maison Martin Margiela Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Those are so sweet…. and relatively easy to duplicate, it looks like… hmm…

Look du jour (more 30’s themes!):

Azzaro Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Azzaro // Fall 2009.

From The Sartorialist. [Milan].

Models backstage at the Christian Dior show at Paris Fashion Week

Backstage at Dior. (The Moment blog)


~ r

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Props to Donatella – while many designers have gone the way of the past (80’s, that is) with bright hot neon hues, wild prints and patterns, and rampant architecuring (?), she opted for a more refined look.

Versace Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Raquel Zimmerman. A bit of glam, a bit of edge, a bagful of chic.

Versace Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Sigrid Agren. Silky pale lavender, simple, timeless, elegant.

Versace Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Blue fur!

Versace Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Yulia Kharlaponova. Simple black pant with a slightly shiny navy one-shoulder top.

Versace Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Vlada Roslyakova. Marilyn Monroe, anyone?

Versace Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Natasha Poly. Nude silk dress with a sheer one-shouldered look (interesting how she sort of played the two trends against each other).

Versace Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Yulia Kharlaponova. Gorgeous colour, sexy cuts, great floaty dress.


30’s, 40’s, edgy, luxe, and firmly D&G.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Katrin Thormann. Huge shoulders added to a huge, fluffy, totally luxe white fur coat. Simple lines on the skirt.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Karlie Kloss. A print slightly reminiscent of snakeskin with the iconic pouf sleeves. Bows on the head.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Lily Donaldson. More shoulders, more line… linebacker? Not at all.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Jourdan Dunn. Fur-looking dress, fur collar, huge sleeves.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Chanel Iman. Hot pink silk, ruffles, bows, glitter, and glam.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Jac. Loads of ruffles and bows, pouffy sleeves, huge necklace.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Karmen Pedaru. Blue checked silk dress, blue fur collar, black leather gloves.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Olga Sherer. Look at the shoes! Nice pouffy sleeves with a bell at the end; sheer skirt, blue, bow.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Natasha Poly. Gorgeous huge skirt with Marilyn Monroe prints.

Raw, semi-destroyed, refugee-like, yet luxe materials.

Fendi Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Jessica Stam. Leather pants, rough-looking coat.

Fendi Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Ali Stephens. Camel-coloured fur and suede coat, looks so warm…

Fendi Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Gloves and, most importantly, the shoe-boots make a statement!

Fendi Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Leather corset, gladiator-esque bangles, fur-trimmed shoulders, and a hooded dress.

Fendi Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Nice thigh-highs, simple coat, bright red hooded dress.

Fendi Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Deep, rich red simple dress; bangles and bag.

Fendi Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Ali Stephens. Layered fur coat over a black… jumpsuit?

Fendi Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Catherine McNeil. Lace hem and top; stunning gloves and shoulders.

Fendi Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Black coat with overlay details and a feathery trim. Teal shoeboots.

Theme: simple mixing high- and low-end pieces; wearability. Featuring models with everything from Starbucks to Blackberries, this line screams practical chic.

Dsquared² Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Freja Beha Erichsen. Can’t you see this on the streets?

Dsquared² Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Heidi Mount. A bit of boho-chic in this. Very Olsen.

Dsquared² Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Giant scarf, cargo pants (?!?), lavender cardi under a leather jacket.

Dsquared² Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Great shorts: neutral, high-waisted (a bit), loose, simply chic. The vest and hat top it off.

Dsquared² Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Toni Garrn. Loose, sort of high-waisted khaki pants, cuffed up = trend, natch. And oh look, layering on top! Fur, denim, cardi, and a knit tee. And caffeine.

Dsquared² Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Daria Strokous. Matching shoes & bag – leopard print – with stovepipe jeans, a nude scarf, and a great black fur-trimmed coat.

Dsquared² Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Studded jacket, mixed layers, chic-in-a-bun. Ha ha, idk.

Look du jour:

Photo via The Sartorialist. Love her matching green shoes, gloves, and hat, all mixed in with the simple black coat.


Prada Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear

Prada // Fall 2009. Utilitarian sole, luxe upper.

~ r

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