
occupy THIS

8.27 // Brittany

Brittany by Becca Dzombak
Brittany, a photo by Becca Dzombak on Flickr.

Exciting new hair for one of my friends…

8.13.11 // Marco

Marco being cute.



7.21 // mystery car

Quick question – does anyone know what kind of car this is?

Much appreciated!

~ r

Lunch today was this simple bruschetta* on a French baguette. The base layer was spreadable swiss, topped with tomato, olive oil, salt, green onions, chives, garlic, basil, and almond slivers. Sliced strawberries on the side complemented it well, and to drink: lemonade + water + sprite + a dollop of vanilla ice cream. Perfect!
*It’s worth noting that the proper pronunciation of bruschetta is not the Americanized version – broo-shet-ta – but rather broo-SKAY-ta, as the ‘sch’ in Italian is pronounced as a K.

Happy fooding!

~ r

I’m starting a little street photography project focusing (ha ha) on what else but that wonderful little city of Ann Arbor.

~ r

6.24 // summer lunch

Lunch yesterday, eaten on the back porch with perfect weather and no bugs.

So simple and so delicious.

~ r


Simple sandwich: olive oil, mozzarella, tomato, basil, almonds, salt/pepper, and a dash of minced garlic. On a basic French loaf.
~ r



Yesterday: a lovely summer afternoon at the beach with brittany. I hereby declare goldfish to be my summer food this year.

~ r


4.10.11 // Ben

World, meet Ben.

~ r